07 December 2012

Rajamarket 18.9.2012

Sender anonymous

Opel taking two spaces.


  1. That was really a good idea to create this kind of blog.
    I love Finland, respect Finns and enjoy visiting the lovely city of Lappeenranta that is so close to my Pietari. Unfortunately sometimes my compatriots shock me. Things are getting better than they were in 1990-s and 2000-s but some of Russians still behave themselves... mmm... strange.
    Thanks for the picts, hope your blog will improve situation.
    Good luck,
    Sergei, St.-Petersburg

  2. This is fantastic, just delictable stuff. Kiitos. I don't live in Russia (well since my teenage years and that was back when the Soviet Union was around) and am not that crazy about Finland - though of course as far as the quality of human material is concerned, Finland is a way preferable place to cities in the Russian Federation. I visit both Eastern Finland and St. Petersburg relatively frequently (I hate to come to St. Petersburg because it is a bitter experience, the city that I knew is more or less gone, some decorations remain) and I think the parking phenomenon you depict here is illustrative of their society, where people freedom and basic liberties but are very libertine and disrespectful to others. Whenever I am in Finland and see Soviet (mainly imported) cars they way they parked (though I ventured up to Lappeenranta), I'll sure take a snapshot and forward it to you. My trips to what is now Russian Federation and driving there was so enlightening in respect to how disgusting human beings can be that I started a web site called Autoscum (http://autoscum.com/catalog) but I hadn't yet either promoted it or filled with content. I would love to post a link to your site, please feel free to add pictures at the site (I can do that myself with big thanks with each entry linked to your blog) and I am sure it would be good if other people from Finland or those who are visiting Finland could contribute images to this important collection of educational images on how degenerate can supposedly human beings become.

    1. Hey Roobit,

      Feel free to link to this site. And everyone else, feel free to do so aswell. Unfortunately I cannot give permission to upload these pictures to other sites though. This is simply because I don't own the copyrights to all these images, many of the pictures have been sent by other people. I could think of a way to tag the images that I have taken myself though and these images you could use, but at the moment there's no way to make that distinction.

  3. I also think that it is wrong to assume that those people can't park because they are idiots or inept at driving a vehicle into a position between two lines painted on the surface of a parking lot. It is very wrong. Those people park they way they do because they show that they hate you (like they hate others), that have no respect for others and that they are worse than animals. It is a deliberate display of disregard for others, it is the essence of the post-Soviet Russian mutant, not an occasional example of poor parking job.

    1. Roobit, your holier-than-thou and I-am-no-longer-one-of-them comments are a tell-tale sign of a traumatized sovok in denial. The essence is the exactly the same: lack of basic courtesy to others. You can take a sovok out of the country, but you can't take the country out of a sovok. Think about this. It can hurt a little at first, but going about with so much venom would ultimately hurt you much more. For the avoidance of doubt, this is not to condone to such idiotic parking or discourteous behaiviour, it should be punished and dealt with, but to curse the whole coutry and nation... is narrow-minded at best. What goes around, comes around -- hatred breeds hatred.

  4. Как ни посмотришь,то в России одна крутизна ездит! Сериалы посмотришь,так все крутые,как в начале 90-х!Аж блевать охота от этой крутизны!!! Герои ёб... мать(((. Еще и в Евросоюз хотят вступить,чтоб отморозки ездили!!!

  5. Какая крутизна... дорги ужасные, машины нужны практичные.... а "паркуюсь как мудак" так это по привычке российской... прокатитесь по италии, ребята...

  6. Ангар для тележек, забрал часть парковочного места!!! "опель" всё правильно сделал! Или он должен был встать рядом с линией правой и своей левой дверью тыкать забор этого полупрозрачно-красного сооружения? Он встал в соответствии с пунктом "мне мять машину в падлу, парковки до хрена!" и кстати правильно сделал!!! "Дискавери" встал в соответсии с пунктом "не царапой дверью о машину братскую" и это культурно! И седан напротив "дискавери" стоит точ так же ибо ангар этот не в кассу занял парковочную разметку и заставил изначально водителя быть не правым по отношению к разметке.... Вы ребята фотографы, это к начальству парковки предъявите и объясните прежде чем выкладывать... и не надо все машины с российской стороны причеслять к хамам и "мне на всех плевать, могу и обосс***" P.s.:Comrades, do not understand the Russian language, use the Google translator!

    1. Да сразу все видно. Как я понимаю это про тебя - "паркуюсь как мудак". Не уже ли так сложно понять - не став машину там где это может кому то мешать. Это не ПДД, это отношение между людьми (как это должно быть). Если ангар забрал часть парковочного места, да не ставь ты там машину. Тем более как ты пишешь "парковки до хрена!". Вся причина на самом деле в том что пару лишных метров не пройти пешком а надо толкаться у входа.

    2. Может это ты просто правила не знаешь?!!!Да я понимаю,что в Питере и Л.О законы свои! Места тебе дай,то больше захочиться!и ЕКХ и ПГХ!!!!!!

    3. Дискавери молодец!!! Первое место на 30% ужато этим сооружением.... ИМХО тут нет никакого оправдания владельцам ангарчика для тележек... все встали в силу возможности физической, а не какой то линии на асфальте........

    4. На предыдущем фото, ровно то же самое место. И там замечательно стоит машина.
      Дела не в местах для парковки, а в россиянском тупом менталитете.

    5. Не, ну тут всё понятно. Владельца ангара с тележками следует крупно оштрафовать, один штраф за ангар и ещё по штрафу за каждую тележку. Вызвать полицию и эвакуировать сам ангар на штрафстоянку. Тележки туда же.

  7. I think that while crossing the border, the border police should get a paper signed from all drivers (and passengers), clearly explaining that they are now leaving Russia and in Finland you can do this and should never do that. Alternately, while applying for a Finnish visa there should be a test about "How to behave in Finland". I guess, these people don't want to be disrespectful to others, they are just ignorant and as in Soviet times, they need to have clear instructions - they just rarely switch on their brain to think about others.

    At the same time I would like to note that while driving to Finland, I have often noticed people breaking all kind of traffic rules in Russia, but just after the border crossing I see the same cars driving within the speed limits and following all traffic rules. I guess it just shows that if they know that it is unacceptable in Finland and you just can't "negotiate" with the traffic police, they behave properly.

  8. And cars at the next row stand in the same way? or it seems to me? and they are Finnish or Russian?

  9. Это закон стада,куда один повёл-туда и другие лезут. Но с другой стороны понимаю,что у меня другого выхода нет!Где ещё припарковаться? Но главное-если ты в гостях,то уважай законы другой страны!!!!!!!! В каждой деревне есть свой дурачёк!

  10. Space on the right next to that shack is unusable, so the guy in Opel did everyhting correct. Suomi ppl need to CHILL THE FUCK UP!

  11. Take off one license plate and leave somewhere nearby. Next visit the offenders would be more careful about parking.

    v/ .ru

  12. I am Russian, and I am ashamed of the stupid people, defaming us. They're idiots ...

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.



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